These positive affirmations cards will help you have a momentof calm and reflection every day. You can use a card daily for amonth, and pause to reflect on what message you receive fromthe phrase on this day.
If you’ve already used them all, don’tworry! Start again. You will notice how each time you read aphrase it leaves you with a different idea and you can learnsomething new.If you’re having a hard time saying some of these things aboutyourself right now, don’t worry.
Add the phrase “I am learningto…” before each affirmation, you will see how little by little itbecomes a reality for you. For example, if you are still not surethat “you deserve love and respect” you can start by repeating “Iam learning that I deserve love and respect.” Try it out andshare your experience with me through my social media.
Adriana Lasala de Rodríguez